Monday, June 1, 2009

A Sad State of Affairs

At work today, I decided to flip through the paper in a moment of boredom. I don’t normally read the paper; it’s usually full of news I’d rather not read about. I know, it is indeed a head-in-the-sand tactic of the worst order, but I have enough reasons to be depressed that I don’t need to add more to the list. But I was bored; really, really bored. And I figured, come on, the news can’t be bad all the time.

Boy, was I wrong. The first article I encountered was a piece about a late-term abortion doctor being gunned down in a church. Look it up, and if you aren’t shocked and horrified, you aren’t fucking human.

Now, I’m not going to tackle the morality of abortions (not in this post, anyway) or the surgeons who perform them. But Jesus Christ must be spinning in his grave like an F1 racer’s driveshaft as he beholds this latest infamy of mankind. Shooting a 67 year old husband and father? Gunning down a DOCTOR, someone committed to the health and safety of his fellow humans, over what amounts to a debatable point? Doing it during a CHURCH SERVICE, right in fucking front of the image of the man who preached universal love and peaceful tolerance? In full view of families and children, including this poor man’s WIFE? The fact that this sick fuck committed cold-blooded murder, profaning a house of God in the process, and did it in the name of the “pro-life” movement makes this event so savagely ironic I don’t know where to start.

Whoever is responsible for this atrocity needs his head examined. Maybe we can find out what mental loose wire caused him to commit this vile crime, so that no person need be subject to its precursors ever again. Fortunately, from the article I read it sounds like they caught the bastard. Good. I hope that the guilty party is punished to the fullest extent of the law.

I am ordinarily a firm believer in the death penalty; humanity’s true monsters do not deserve to be fed and housed on the tax money provided by law-abiding citizens. In committing the most heinous of crimes, they have made themselves the enemy of their fellow man, and as such they forfeit their rights to life. It should be done as humanely as possible, with as much brevity and respect as can be managed. But I believe it should be done.

However, in this fucker’s case, I’ll make a BIG exception.

He DESERVES incarceration. A long, dreary stretch in the nastiest armpit of a prison as can be found. Marion, Illinois perhaps (I’ve heard that place is a real shithole). And most definitely NOT in solitary confinement; put him in with the rest of the hardened felons and tattoo his crime across his fucking forehead. Hopefully, he would spend the rest of his life being horribly ass-raped by the biggest (take that either way) and most sadistic career cons in the joint. A long, slow, humiliating death from abuse and neglect (if the prison guards have any sense of justice, they’ll just let it happen) is way more poetically appropriate for this waste of skin who felt justified in blowing blood and brains all over a church foyer. And there should be doctors there to keep him healthy, so that he both lives a long time and maybe, possibly grows to respect the service they provide. I’d gladly pay extra on my tax bill just so this can happen; shit, any Hells Angels or New York mafiosi who end up shagging his pink ass can send me a letter. I’ll send you a carton of Marlboros for your service to your country. Two if you give him herpes.

Anyone who even dares to suggest that commission of this murder made the killer a hero or a martyr should join him. Whatever twisted social group that spawned this horrible atrocity should be taken to task for it (and hopefully silenced) as well. Such vicious and selfish thinking should not be allowed to spread.

I’ll climb off my soap box now. I’ll calm down, put my outrage aside and let the wheels of justice turn (hopefully swiftly and surely). But I hope this is a wake-up call to militant, self-righteous “true believers” everywhere who are willing to kill over points of conjecture.

You aren’t helping.

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